Winter palette
Denim Core Colour
Core colours become more sophisticated for A/W 20/21, with slightly richer browns and inky blues. These are the tones to build your collections around, but also play into a growing focus on neutrals in a fashion context.
While bold tones are undeniably important for A/W 20/21 denim, sandy tones will also be key as a calmer counterbalance, playing into the growing appeal of minimalism.

Update camouflage & Harvest hues palettes
Contrast is key in this story. Focus soft earth tones in areas of empty space for camouflage patterns, or explore lighter indigo shades to give contrast areas a more cloudy appearance.
This burnished and warm palette plays into the perennial popularity of autumn colours. Furnace offers a fresh update on orange.
It can be used with graphic logos or contrast stitching for a utilitarian edge.